
​A Trio of Nautical Gifts Guaranteed to Catch Serious Saltwater Anglers' Eyes

May 31st 2016

When loved ones are greatly enamored with saltwater fishing, it just makes sense to wrap up nautical gifts that are guaranteed to catch their eyes. Personally, we’d suggest taking a pass on the idea of presenting them with more tackle and mounted, singing sea bass. They are just too ordinary. Besides, most saltwater anglers that we know of prefer to choose their own fishing equipment. So we recommend picking up one of the following sea focused gift items instead:

1.) Downeaster Saltwater Fishing Barometer

The Downeaster Saltwater Fishing Barometer is number one on our list. It features a handsome, round brass frame that’s roughly 5.25-inches in diameter and 3-inches deep. The face of the barometer features two hands that will accurately measure an environment’s barometric pressure as long as your angler doesn’t head to a fishing spot that’s more than 4,000-feet above sea level. To make your favorite saltwater anglers’ faces light up even more, consider pairing the saltwater fishing barometer with the Downeaster Fishing Tide Clock, Mahogany Wall Instrument Panel, Down easter Temperature Gauge Nautical Instrument and the Downeaster Wind Speed/Direction Indicator with Tru Gust. Together, they’ll fill out the four-hole instrument panel nicely and help your loved ones figure out the best times to cast that long line.

2.) Nautical Main Hold Lamp

Speaking of lighting up saltwater anglers’ faces, we can’t help but put circa 1900s Nautical Main Hold Lamps on our list. They are 15.7-inches long, 20.1-inches tall and 15.7-inches wide. Each one is made of premium, easy to clean aluminum, brass and stainless steel. Consequently, they’d look great hanging over a nautical themed kitchen island or table. In addition, the metal finish and heavy bolts also make the Nautical Main Hold Lamps perfect candidates for inclusion in Industrial Era or Steampunk themed interior design schemes. Therefore, you may want to buy extra and wrap them up for some of the other people you care about.

3.) Authentic Lobster Trap Coffee Table

For the saltwater anglers who also love to go on the hunt for shellfish, we’ve added a Decorative Metal Lobster on our list's number three position. The lobsters are 18-inches by 22-inches, which should sit well on the table top whether your loved ones position them horizontally or vertically.

To learn more about these nautical gifts for serious saltwater anglers and others, please contact us today. We offer quantity discounts, a 60-day return policy and free shipping on all nautical gift orders that exceed $99.